WASM Streets to Sea Phase 1 EOI

This is a preview of the WASM Streets to Sea Expression of Interest form. When you’re ready to apply, click Fill Out Now to begin.

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WASM Streets to Sea grant - Expression of Interest

* indicates a required field.

WASM Streets to Sea Grants

The NSW Government has opened the Waste and Sustainable Materials Strategy 2041 (WASM) Streets to Sea grants program, with up to $5 million available for the round. Before you complete this expression of interest (EOI), you need to read the following guidelines:

WASM Streets to Sea grant program guidelines

All projects must make a contribution to reducing litter in NSW towards the new state targets

  • reducing all litter by 60% by 2030 and
  • plastic litter by 30% by 2025

To be eligible for a Streets to Sea grant, your organisation must already be a grantee funded under Stream 3 of the WASM Litter Prevention grant program; i.e., your organisation's Stream 3 initiative must already be underway.

Streets to Sea initiatives are developed through four phases, as follows:

  • Phase 1: Submit an EOI to the EPA via SmartyGrants (i.e., this form)
  • Phase 2: Complete a Catchment Study
  • Phase 3: Complete a Catchment Litter Management Plan (Catchment Plan)
  • Phase 4:  Apply for funding to implement your Catchment Plan and, if approved, undertake the management interventions and on-ground works.

Streets to Sea funding is available only for Phase 4 implementation. Phases 1, 2 and 3 are to be completed using your current WASM Litter Grant Stream 3 funding. The completion of each of these phases will be an approval gateway, requiring EPA endorsement to proceed to the respective next stage. The Phase 4 grant application will be reviewed by an independent technical review committee, which will make a funding recommendation to the EPA.

Non-financial support to develop the Catchment Study and Catchment Plan will be made available by the EPA. This will be in the form of expert advice, workshops, litter data and other planning support, where available. 

EOIs will close on 26 October 2026, and applications for Phase 4 funding close on 26 April 2027. Further detail is available in the Streets to Sea guidelines that are linked above.


I have read the Streets to Sea grant guidelines that are linked to this form * Required


Streets to Sea grant funding is available only to existing Stream 3 grantees under the WASM Litter Prevention grant program (see Section 1 above).

My organisation is a current WASM Litter Prevention Grant Stream 3 grantee * Required
Please provide the month and year when the implementation of your WASM Stream 3 initiative commenced, i.e., not simply the date when the grant was announced